Before your arrival:
1. Stay in touch with your coordinator from IRO and faculty.
2. Get your documents filled in and signed asap.
3. Sign in our Buddy system. It is crucial step to join all our ESN activities, get your buddy and be informed.
4. Pack all your necessary things. Here are some suggestions.
5. Be sure you have valid medical insurance.
After your arrival:
1. Meet your buddy at the train/bus station. He or she will help you to buy your first tram ticket, take you to your dormitory and answer all your questions.
2. Check the last information about the Orientaiton Week (email or IRO website).
3. After you get the corfimation of study, you can buy tram/bus ticket with a student discount (24hours, one week, one month, three months, six months).
5. Visit your department coordinator if you need to change some course in your Learning Agreement.
6. NON-EU STUDENTS who are accommodated at the dormitories need to show their passport with visa to coordinator from IRO. For those who are staying in a private appartment you need to check your visa
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